The Blackbelt Landlord Is Throwing a Book Launch Bash!

Black Belt Landording book coverTo celebrate the publication of his first non-fiction book, Open Door Publications author David T. Laggini will be throwing a big-time party on Thursday, July 22, 2010. David will be holding court at the Eagles Club in Somerville, N.J., from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Snag a copy of his book, Blackbelt Landlording, and chat with the Landlord himself!

For more information on the event, check out David’s Web site,

Launch Location:

Eagles Club 350 Woodside Lane Somerville, NJ 6pm – 8pm


Read on for a sneak peek of this revolutionary approach to creating and maintaining harmonious relationships, whatever your lot in life.

The art of landlording is of vital importance to the Individual. It is a matter of profit or loss, peace or peril. It is a path to safety or ruin, pride and joy, or sickness and sorrow. It is a subject to study and cannot be neglected. It does not run itself. – David T. Laggini

For more than two decades, David T. Laggini has been listening to the horror stories of fellow landlords and renters, alike. While many of the stories ended with scenes in court, David himself has never even been threatened with such extreme measures. In his book, Blackbelt Landlording, he begins by asking the question: “What do I have that other landlords haven’t?”

His answer? A blackbelt, for starters.

In his debut book, David offers readers the insight his martial arts training has afforded him, insight that helps him avoid conflict and allows him to build great relationships with residents, neighbors, contractors and employees. While conversing with the grandmasters with whom he studied, he noticed the peaceful aura they exuded, their fair-yet-firm demeanors. David desired to incorporate their teachers and deportment into the way he managed his own lifestyle and business ventures as a landlord.

From Blackbelt Landlording:

To be a landlord is to work with people. To work well with them you need to have excellent communication skills. That means having the ability to listen, empathize, and respond clearly from your heart. It means managing your emotions, especially when dealing with contractors, bosses, tax advisors, inspectors, and yes, residents. Don’t let situations escalate, and never, ever let them get personal.

You can purchase David’s book directly from his Web site, online at, or from major booksellers.

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