Should You Self Publish?

Over the past weeks and months, the debate over self publishing has begun to boil over. With the release of the iPad, the news from Amazon that Kindle Books have outsold hardcovers and the continued commercialization of traditional publishing houses, self-publishing is looking more and more like the land of milk and honey. But are all roads to print paved in gold?

What some debaters fail to realize in that their are as many different types of authors as there are books. And each author has a different goal. What may be the right path for one author might not be another’s ticket to fame and fortune…and who is to say that the author is looking for fame and fortune, anyway?

Open Door Publications has published and continues to publish authors from myriad backgrounds. Each has a unique purpose and a unique project. If you’re thinking about self publishing, you might have found the right option if:

  • You are looking for a product to support or jump-start your business.
  • You are a lecturer and want a book to sell at speaking events.
  • You want to establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • You are looking to sell a limited number of books at specific events, such as community cookbooks for a fundraiser.
  • Your focus is seeing your name, words and ideas in print rather than making a profit.
  • You have written (are writing or want to write) a good book in a niche that may not possess the widespread appeal that attracts the interest of a  trade publisher.
  • The topic you are writing or have written about is extremely time sensitive and thus unlikely to stand up to the years-long process of the traditional publishing model.
  • You’re frustrated by the traditional publishing model and want to seek success on your own terms.

These aren’t the only reasons to self publish, of course, but they are a start. If you have something to add, leave us a comment! And if you’re interested in starting the self publishing process with Open Door Publications, give us a call at (609) 620-0188 or send us an e-mail. We’d love to work with you!

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