Pick a Strategy and Stick to It

I’ve been talking to experts all week on the subject of how writers can market themselves and their books. They one thing I’ve noticed is that everyone has just a slightly different take on the subject – especially when it comes to social media. There are so many different social networking sites out there – not just Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. There are great sites just for writers and readers, like GoodReads, LibraryThing, SheWrites and Shelfari, too name just a few. You should be linking your blogs to these sites. Don’t forget Reddit and Digg, more general sites for reposting articles, also.

In fact, there are so many ways to use the internet to promote your book that if you try to do them all you will find yourself having no time to actually write! So what’s an author to do? Pick a strategy and stick to it! Emphasize just a few of the social media sites and work them faithfully for 90 days, then evaluate. Has your website traffic increased? Are you getting more feedback from readers? And most importantly, are you selling your book?

It takes at least 90 days to see these results, so don’t give up too early.

Happy Posting!

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