“The Unspoken Gift” to Launch at Event on Oct. 7

Open Door Publications proudly announces the launch of the latest book in its Empowering Ourselves collection, The Unspoken Gift: How an Immigrant Cuban Child Fulfilled his American Dream. The book is written by Aldo Martinez,  of Hillsborough, NJ. Mr. Martinez  was the first Hispanic to be named a Vice President of the  New York Stock Exchange. Mr. Martinez will sign his book at a Book Launch Party, Sunday, Oct. 7, at Martino’s Cuban Restaurant in Somerville, NJ.

The Unspoken Gift is the story of Mr. Martinez’ journey to America as one of 14,000 children sent out of Cuba without their parents through Operation Pedro Pan, a short-lived and little known part of Cold War history which was sponsored by a variety of organizations at the time, including the Catholic Church, and it is rumored, the CIA. The book details Mr. Martinez’ early life in Cuba, his journey alone to America at age 11, the lessons learned in an orphanage, the American family who first taught him about the American Dream, and the hope of being reunited with his father and mother.  But much more than that, it is the inspiring story of a family uniting to give their child the hardest but greatest gift – the unspoken gift of a love. A gift so great they were willing to take the chance of never seeing their son again to give him the opportunity to grow up in freedom.

Mr. Martinez is an attorney with expertise in USA securities laws and a New York Stock Exchange Vice President (Retired), with over 30 years in Market Surveillance in the securities industry. While at the NYSE, he headed two departments tasked with developing surveillance criteria and investigation of potential illegal insider trading, market manipulation, frontrunning and other trading abuses in equities and derivatives. While at the NYSE, Mr. Martinez represented the NYSE at the Intermarket Surveillance Group (ISG), an international network of over 50 exchanges/markets whose objective includes mutual cooperation with ongoing investigations and sharing regulatory information as well as discussing best surveillance practices. He  is a former Chairman of the ISG responsible for coordinating the restructure of the ISG from a USA exchange network to an international network of markets.

Recently, Mr. Martinez became the founder of AJM Advisory Services having consulted in Market Surveillance matters in Australia, Montenegro and Serbia as well as the USA. He is Adjunct Professor at St. Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ, teaching Derivative Markets, Corporate Finance and Investment Analysis. He has served on corporate boards and educational institutions is a member of the Board of Regents of St. Peter’s University; member of the Board of Junior Achievement of NY; member of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative Market Research Center, an Australian venture between academia and the government acting as a research and incubation center for the capital markets. Mr. Martinez received his BS in Business Administration from St. Peter’s University and a JD from Seton Hall University School of Law.

Open Door Publications is an independent publishing house and a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association. The Unspoken Gift is the 22 book the company has published in six years, and the fourth book in 2012. The front cover of The Unspoken Gift is illustrated with a photograph from Cuba taken by his son, professional photographer Aldo Martinez Jr.

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