Break the Bookstore Barrier!

Want to know how to get your books into a bookstore? I mean a real brick and mortar store, of course. You need to talk to an expert and you can do just that the weekend of Feb. 28-March 2 at the Winter Writers’ Weekend in Lambertville, NJ.

Amy Collins, founder of New Shelves book distribution company, will give a seminar titled, “Available Wherever Books Are Sold … Brick and Mortar Sales and Distribution.” She’ll tell you how to get your books into the wholesalers, into bookstores, into libraries and gift stores.

“There are rules,” says Amy.

Want to know the rules?  Want those rules to work for you?  Want to have all the inside secrets?  This session will include:

·       How to get into Ingram and B&T (and what to do if you can’t)

·       What wholesalers you need to contact if you want to sell to the gift market

·       What Wal-Mart, Costco, Target and Supermarkets are looking for

·       How to entice bookstores into taking your book

Amy Collins has over 25 years’ experience selling and marketing books. In 2006 Amy created a book sales company which quickly turned into New Shelves Distribution, the fastest-growing book distribution company in North America. New Shelves offers book sales, warehousing, and book distribution as well as consulting and marketing for publishers and authors. Amy knows books and authors and bookstores—online and brick and mortar. She and her team are committed to being of service and sharing their book and sales experience.

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