World Famous Author, Walter Snowman

Winter Writers Retreat Snowman logo
Walt the Snowman. mascot of the 2014 Winter Writers Weekend

Hi, it is world-famous author Walter Snowman here. Okay, maybe I’m not world-famous, yet, but I’m working on it. I met with Ed Alpern again. He is working with me to create a book trailer using the video images he took before I even finished publishing my book. This is another great topic we will talk about at the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend February 28-March 2 in the Lambertville House in Lambertville, NJ.

I hope to meet many of you in Lambertville! I’ll probably be the only snowman there, but that is okay! I promise not to drip on you!! Or, at least I’ll try hard not to drip on you.

Register now so we can hang out together later this month. It will be a  lot of fun!

Now, back to my writing, editing, and photo taking.

Thank you, Karen, for letting me take over your blog for a while. It was fun! Now I need to create my own blog and website so I don’t have to borrow yours when my sequel comes out.

Stay cool everyone!

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