A New Social Media Site for Authors

A new social media site, Chapter See, has recently appeared. In fact, it is so new that when I checked it looked like there were only 14 members (make that 15 now, because I just joined).

So what is Chapter See? According to its website it is “an exclusive social networking site for writers, publishers, and readers. ChapterSee is a place where you can showcase your work and build an audience. Published authors can promote their books listed on Amazon by entering the book’s ASIN/ISBN number.”

The site will automatically notify a member when a comment is made their book. Readers will be able to support their favorite writers by sharing the writer’s work through their social media contacts. The site recommends that all work posted be copy written and asks that all members respect the author’s copyright.

So Chapter See sounds like a cross between Facebook and Goodreads. I keep using words such as “I think,” and “sounds like” because I haven’t had a chance to really check out the site yet.

You may be thinking, “Why should I bother with a social media site that is so new and so small?” Because it may be the next big thing – and I have noticed that these sites work best for the people who start using them first.

So check out chaptersee.com, go to Facebook and like their page or follow them on Twitter.

This is a social networking site that wants to help authors and publishers, so let’s support them. You can follow me on the site as opendoorpublications.

Hope to see you there.


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