New Publishing Imprints, New Books, New Services

There’s so much upcoming news at Open Door Publications that highlights are in order.

Three Imprints* will be offered by Open Door Publications to give authors in nonfiction, adult fiction and children’s books the best branding possible for their books.

ODP_SM_c Open Door Publications is our original parent site. It features non-fiction in three categories: Empowering Ourselves, Empowering Entrepreneurs, and Empowering Authors. (

ODP Kids logo 1

ODP Kids features children’s picture books and children’s through young adult fiction and non-fiction. (




Can't Put It Down logo


Can’t Put it Down Books will feature adult novels, particularly romance, supernatural romance, and fantasy. (

The websites are in the works with our great website designer, Lisa Snyder of SilverHoopEdge. We plan to launch the website by Sept. 25 and by Oct. 15.
New Books for Fall:

  • Fate’s Hand, an adult fantasy novel by Melissa Macfie, will be released on Oct. 31
  • Lose that Mommy Guilt- YOU GOT THIS! By Cara Maksimow, LCSW, CPC, will be released on Nov. 10. Cara describes her non-fiction book as, “stories and lessons learned from an imperfect mom.”

recovering from the recoveryHardcovers anyone? Open Door Publications is now publishing our author’s books in hardcover, to expand the current soft cover and e-book options. Our first hardcover, Recovering from the Recovery by Anil Bhatt, will be available in mid-September. If you are interested in publishing your book in hardcover, Just email us.


*What’s an imprint? An imprint of a publisher is a trade name under which a work is published. A single publishing company may have multiple imprints, with the different imprints often used by the publisher to market works to different demographic consumer segments.

Keep watching throughout the fall for more updates on all the excitement at Open Door Publications. Sign up for our Strategies newsletter.


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