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8 Things You’ll Learn at the 2017 Winter Writers’ Weekend

The Fifth Annual Winter Writers’ Weekend is only six weeks away. I’m getting excited and I hope you are, too! Every year we try to bring a few of your “old favorite” speakers along with some new people—and always we bring you new ideas and the latest news from the world of publishing. And every year we have a great mix of new attendees and writers who have come each year, writers who have not published anything, and authors who are working on their third, fourth or fifth book.

So here are eight great reasons to attend the Fifth Annual Winter Writers’ Weekend, Friday, March 3 to Sunday, March 5 at the Logan Inn in New Hope, PA

  1. Brian Jud. Brian, of Premium Book Company, is talking about “How to Make Real Money Selling Books.” Premium is a book distributor with a difference. “Bookstores aren’t the only place to sell books. In fact, they are one of the worst places to sell,” says Brian. He will explain how you can sell more books by focusing on non-bookstore sales.
  2. Cassandra Laymon. Cassandra is an Open Door Publications author who has really used her book to go places. That’s why her workshop is titled, “Business Books: Taking It to the Next Level.” Cassandra, author of “I Found Jesus in the Stock Market: How Biblically-Responsible Investing Can Change Your Heart, Too” has distributed about 1,000 paperback copies of her book, as well as countless electronic copies and consistently ranked in the top 30 in her category. The book’s success has also brought her attention in other ways, from national radio interviews to conference appearances.
  3. Nicole Loughan. Returning speaker Nicole Loughan, just keeps on writing and publishing. Her fourth book came out last year, and she can’t wait to tell you about the projects she is working on this year. Her first workshop is titled, “How to Make a Living as an Author.” It’s every writer’s dream. Nicole will tell you what it looks like for her. She is also doing a second workshop. “Hooked: Writing Opening Lines That Bring You Readers.” This title speaks for itself.
  4. David Schuchman. “Social Media for Authors” is David’s topic. Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, LinkedIn. If you want to sell your book you must promote it. And that means social media. Social media expert David will give an interactive workshop to help you get up and running on the social media you need to use the most.
  5. Cindy Carothers. Cindy is a marketing expert.In  “Don’t Just Sell Your Book – Use It to Make $$$” she will give an interactive workshop where both fiction and non-fiction authors have the opportunity to develop specific ideas on how to use their books as a tool to increase income. Cindy will walk us through her process to identify ways to monetize our books and build a personalized road map for making money beyond book sales.
  6. Melissa Macfie. “E-book promotions: 6,000 Downloads in 1 Week!” Melissa, author of the Celtic Prophecy fantasy series, has learned the secrets of e-book promotions. A recent one-week promotion saw over 6,000 downloads, giving her a boost to Number 1 in category rankings and in the top 50 in overall Science Fiction/Fantasy rankings on Amazon. Melissa will share her secrets on how to run a successful e-book campaign.
  7. Lisa Snyder. “Simple Author Websites.” Lisa has been one of our most popular speakers. A website designer, she breaks down the technical talk and gives authors the basics on the how and why of websites. Why do you need one? How do you get one? And most importantly: How you can drive traffic to yours.
  8. Karen Hodges Miller. “Writing a Book That Sells” is Karen’s topic. There are many courses and workshops available that talk about the craft of writing a great book. Whether it is a novel, a children’s book or non-fiction, interesting prose and excellent grammar are always important. But let’s take a step beyond those basics. Why do some excellent books just not sell? Before you think about marketing your book, even before you put pen to paper, what can you do to make sure you write a book that others want to buy? Karen will use real life examples to help you write a book that others want to buy—and read.

Don’t forget, we are moving to the Logan Inn, on the New Hope side of the river this year. It’s just five minutes away from our previous location—but we’ll have better parking and more space, and handicapped accessibility. The Logan Inn has guest rooms, if you want to stay overnight, call them at 215.862.2300. Tell them you are with the Winter Writers’ Weekend! And to register for the weekend, go directly to our website.


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