By Nicole Loughan
If you aren’t making the grade with an A+ on your Amazon landing page you are missing out on a great opportunity. This new-ish feature on Amazon allows indies, self-pubs, small operations and any other interested Amazon listers to make their page look just like the pros.
For years mainstream publishers were given amazing tools on Amazon web pages where they could add extra information about their books. They could highlight reviews, show off some interior pictures, or add more images to make their landing page a little extra special. Amazon dubs this extra content space as A+ Content.
It’s space at the bottom of your Amazon product page that can be filled with images. If you don’t use it it’s just white space.

Want to take a look and see if you make the grade? You can check out your Amazon A+ through your KDP portal. Log in first then click on the promote and advertise tab.
Once you are in the promote tab scroll down to A+ Content, choose your marketplace, likely and you will find yourself in the A+ Portal.
Don’t be scared of big words like create a module (that just means install your pictures here) the button you want is in the upper right hand corner, and it says Start Creating A+ Content.
Now that you are in, you will need to give your campaign a name, and you will need to Add a Module, which will take you to the screen where you will learn what you can do with this new page. Amazon has a few examples to show you what you can do with this great new space. You can see examples by visiting:
Step by step instructions are available on Amazon at:
Let me give you a few tips, first you can do this. You can try different modules (styles of page) and if you find that you don’t like it and the change is live you can always change it. You can edit the A+ content that you create at any time, so don’t worry. There is a waiting period for the content to be approved. Amazon says it can take up to 24-hours, but I’d recommend you sit tight because now that the secret to making the grade is out, that wait can be up to three days!
Happy marketing!
Nicole Loughan is the author of the best-selling Saints Mystery Series and is also co-owner of TheAuthorWebsite where she helps authors develop websites and improve their advertising and marketing content.
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