category marketing

Category Listings

You may have heard that Amazon KDP is changing its category selections, or as they call it, the “category experience.”

What does this mean for you as a self-published author? You are limited to three categories per book. This makes it even more important that you pick the categories that best help readers find your book.

Having your book listed in the correct categories can plan a major role in marketing your book. Don’t assume that all is well with your listing because it was last month.

The Amazon page explaining the changes adds this: “We reserve the right to change the categories of a book at any time to ensure a positive customer experience. The categories you add and the categories shown online may not always match. Your book may be added to additional or different categories to improve the customer experience.”

Whether you are uploading a new book, or have one or more books already published, the best thing for you to do right now is to check out your listings and make sure that you feel you are in the correct category. 

Once you have seen how your book looks to customers online, visit your KDP dashboard, go to the category drop down menu and check out the available listings that could work for your book.

Personally, I feel the choices are more limited than they were before, but you may find that you know right where your book should go. If you are still confused about whether or not you are listed in the best category for your book, do an online search for other books that are similar to yours. Check out what categories they are listed in, and try to change your book to that category.

Whether or not you do this, Amazon will automatically roll out the changes on your books. Amazon will default your books into two categories they think are the most relevant for your books. 

You know your books best. It’s better for you to select the most appropriate categories for your books.

If you try to make changes and are having difficulties, I have found that the Amazon Help Desk is excellent. Just email them and let them know where you would like your book to be listed.

It usually works!

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