Good Enough: Our Newest Book

Open Door Publications is proud to announce the publication of Good Enough: One’s Man’s Memoir on the Price of the Dream is the newest book from Open Door Publications. It is written by Dr. Leon Bass, a former high school principal and veteran of World War II who has dedicated much of his life as a teacher, a school administrator, and a speaker, to fighting racism wherever it exists.

As a 19-year-old soldier serving in a segregated unit of the U.S. Army, Dr. Bass participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945. That moment changed his life. “I was an angry soldier,” says Bass. “I was being asked to fight for freedom while at the same time, as a black man, I was constantly being told in many ways that I wasn’t good enough to have that freedom.”

“Good Enough: One Man’s Memoir on the Price of the Dream,” is a living history of some of the greatest moments of 20th century America: from his anger at his treatment as a soldier in the Deep South, to witnessing the cruelties of Buchenwald, to his awakening to new possibilities as he listened to Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington in 1963.

Dr. Bass asks, “Is the price too high?” The price to realize the dream, he explains, is to stand up and be counted by doing the right thing, whether large or small, every day. Good Enough goes on sale in mid-March. Until then, you can pre-order the book, as well as learn more about Dr. Bass at

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