Open Door is Hosting a Workshop

You’re Invited

Unlocking Your Ideas: Your Book from Concept to Publication Workshop

Always wanted to write a book, but don’t know where to start? Author, Editor and Publisher Karen Hodges Miller will show you how in this two and a half hour workshop.

You Will:

  • Identify Your Readers
  • Begin to Organize Your Material
  • Discuss Finding Time to Write &
  • Publishing and Marketing Basics
  • Leave with a Personal Plan to Complete Your Book!

 Location: Inn at Glencairn

3301 Lawrenceville Road
Princeton, NJ 08540

Date: Monday June 21, 2010

Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

 Includes: Brunch and a copy of “Unlocking Your Ideas,” Karen’s new book designed to help YOU write the book you’ve always dreamed about

Cost: $79 (Early Bird Discount: $59 if you register by June 13)

Click here to Register

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