Main Street Moxie: From Surviving to Thriving on the New American Main Street by Noelle Stary

main street moxie by noelle stary final cover

From Surviving to Thriving on the New American Main Street

The road to success isn’t straight.
It zigzags, takes detours, and curves around obstacles as it moves forward. It would be foolish to not expect challenges in business, but 2020 has proven to be a far different kind of challenge for Main Street business owners. For some, giving up became the only option, while for others, it was not an option at all.
Many businesses are teetering on the edge of collapse, and people are asking, “How can we make it through these difficult times?
Despite criticism and opposition, Noelle Stary started her first business in the middle of the Great Recession in 2008. She has gone on to become the successful owner of not one, but two companies. She knows that success doesn’t come overnight.
This is the story of how she used a lot of grit combined with her singularly unique brand of moxie to may it through the largest paradigm shift of our generation.
In sharing her ideas and experience, Stary hopes to help your business not just survive but succeed during these changing times.
Fortunately, most of the bumps ahead won’t be as large as a pandemic—but the ideas in this book will help you to survive and thrive in the new American marketplace created by one.

$14.95 paperback, $2.99 ebook

ISBN: 978-0988831995



