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  • The Rise of AI in 2024

    The Rise of AI in 2024

    AI, or artificial intelligence is the biggest, hottest, trendiest thing in every industry today, and publishing is one area where the use of artificial intelligence is already sparking controversy. You may think that you will never use AI, but my guess is that you already have. Whether you have consciously used ChatGPT the “natural language…

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  • A Year of Marketing Tips and Tactics

    A Year of Marketing Tips and Tactics

    Last January I declared 2023 my Year of Marketing, and throughout the year I’ve tried to look into what’s in, what’s out, and what are the basics every author still needs to be successful. Here’s a recap of some of the marketing tips we’ve discussed in this newsletter in the last 12 months. This is…

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  • 10 Tips to Finish Your Book During Nanowrimo

    10 Tips to Finish Your Book During Nanowrimo

    Have you made your Nanowrimo resolutions yet?  If you aren’t familiar with this peculiar acronym or its importance in the writing world, Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s kind of a combination of New Year’s and Lent: you make a resolution and see if you can stick with it for an entire month.…

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  • SMART Rewards

    SMART Rewards

    It’s October. Raise your hand if you have decided to finish your next book before the end of the year. Yep. I see a lot of hands raised out there in newsletter land.  Now, put down your hand if you have worked on that book project since you made that goal on Labor Day.  What?…

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  • Are You Preparing Your Platform?

    Are You Preparing Your Platform?

    Most authors I know first write the book, then publish the book, and finally think about marketing the book. But book publicists know that this is exactly the opposite way to do things.  You should start developing your platform two to three years before your book is published. This is not as hard as it…

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  • Category Listings

    Category Listings

    You may have heard that Amazon KDP is changing its category selections, or as they call it, the “category experience.” What does this mean for you as a self-published author? You are limited to three categories per book. This makes it even more important that you pick the categories that best help readers find your…

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  • Ten Apps to Help the Self-Published Authors

    Ten Apps to Help the Self-Published Authors

    There are some great new apps, software and video programs out there to help the self-published author write and market their books. Here are ten of them that either I have used or writers I know recommend. Online Self-Publishing Course You always wanted to write a book but don’t know where to start? You have…

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  • Direct Sales Make the Most Profit

    Direct Sales Make the Most Profit

    Direct sales to customers online, at the back of the room after a speech, or as part of a seminar package, earn the author the greatest return per book. Here are some more figures to consider. As Amazon and other retailers take more and more of author profits, direct sales is something all writers must…

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  • Price Changes at KDP and Ingram

    Price Changes at KDP and Ingram

    What You Need to Know Both Ingram and KDP have announced changes in pricing in recent weeks.  Changes at Ingram The good news is that Ingram is getting rid of set up fees for both print and ebooks. This applies to authors using both Ingram Spark and Ingram Lightning Source. This is a substantial change…

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  • How Novelists Can Turn Guest Blogging Into Their Secret Weapon

    How Novelists Can Turn Guest Blogging Into Their Secret Weapon

    By Sandra Beckwith Guest blogging is a popular book marketing tactic because it’s an effective way to reach more readers using one of your best skill sets: writing. While guest blogging typically involves writing an article on a relevant topic for a blog that reaches your audience, it can also take the form of a…

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  • Build Book Buzz: Finding the Good Guys in Author Services

    Build Book Buzz: Finding the Good Guys in Author Services

    The best way to avoid publishing predators is to learn more about how legit author services providers operate. Here’s a Q&A with one of them.

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  • 10 Tips for Better Social Networking

    10 Tips for Better Social Networking

    Many authors are afraid of social networking. Their excuses are as many and varied as the books they write: “I don’t like the internet,” “I’m shy,” “I don’t know how to do it,” “I’m afraid.” The list goes on and on. But whether you are using social media, attending an in-person event, or just gathering…

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  • 4 Plans for Launching Your Book in 2023

    4 Plans for Launching Your Book in 2023

    Let’s face it, Amazon just isn’t generating the income for authors it used to. It can generate rank. It can even generate sales. But it is no longer generating a livable income for authors. To make money as an author in 2023 you need to find new ways to reach your readers and new ways…

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  • 5 Trends for Book Marketing Success in 2023

    5 Trends for Book Marketing Success in 2023

    It’s a new year and time to start making plans to successfully market your books in 2023.  What did you do right last year? What helped you sell more books? What do you wish you had done differently? If you haven’t done it already, I hope you will some time now to make a brand…

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  • Are you getting an A+ on your Amazon Page?

    Are you getting an A+ on your Amazon Page?

    By Nicole Loughan If you aren’t making the grade with an A+ on your Amazon landing page you are missing out on a great opportunity. This new-ish feature on Amazon allows indies, self-pubs, small operations and any other interested Amazon listers to make their page look just like the pros. For years mainstream publishers were…

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