Going Wide vs. Amazon Only: What’s Right for You
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately from authors who want to “go wide” with their books, both paper and e-book. The question is complex and there is no one right answer for every author. What is “going wide?” In the book world it is a term that means that you make your book,…
How to Sell Your Book Today
This is an excerpt from Karen Hodges Miller’s new book, How to Sell Your Book Today: Focus Your Book Marketing for the New Digital Economy. The book is now available on Amazon.com as both an e-book and paperback. Before you can effectively market your book, you need a plan. Without one, your marketing will feel…
Top 20 #Hashtags For Your Book on Twitter & Instagram (or, Mastering the Art of the #Hashtag)
By Haley BCU Haley BCU is the author of Four Letter Words published in January by Can’t Put it Down Books. She is a master of the hashtag. So, you wrote a book! Let me be one of the many who will congratulate you, be impressed with your dedication and hard work, and purchase a…
Are You Sabotaging Your Book’s Marketability?
Here’s an example we hear so often: “I don’t need to hire an editor. My mother is a retired English teacher. She knows all about good grammar.” It doesn’t matter if your mother is the world’s greatest expert on grammar, she should not edit your book. Why? Because she loves you, and she is going…
We gave away 3,000 books. Here’s why you should give away your books, too
A few weeks ago, I organized a free e-book giveaway with several of the authors I work with. We didn’t know exactly what to expect, but we all wanted to do something to give back and help readers staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results were more successful than any of us dreamed.…
Marketing Your Book in the Age of Coronavirus
The world needs books right now! As we are facing days, or possibly weeks of social distancing, lockdowns, and quarantines people need a way to keep themselves occupied indoors. Yes, a lot of people are turning to streaming TV shows, but just as many are turning to books. And that’s where we, as authors, come…
The 411 on Your ISBN
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. If you want to sell a paper book anywhere, including bookstores and other brick and mortar stores, book websites, libraries, book wholesalers, or distributors, you will need one. The ISBN is a unique 13-digit number. Just to make things more mystifying, it corresponds to a 10-digit number. Sometimes,…
How to Become an Authorpreneur in 2020
I just came across a great new word: Authorpreneur. The concept is obvious, and I’ve been explaining it to all of the authors I work with for at least ten years now. “I am looking for authors with an entrepreneurial spirit,” I’ve said countless times. Now, someone has coined the perfect word: Authorpreneur. And I’m…
20 Tips to Market Your Book in 2020
Now is the time to plan your book marketing for 2020. It’s a new decade—can you believe it? How the time has flown! But let’s make a resolution right now to start the new decade off right—and continue it, by making a plan to market our books more effectively in the next decade. Starting with…
Better Than Bookstores: 8 Great Places to Sell Your Book
Isn’t a bookstore the best place to sell a book? No! First-time authors want to see their books in a bookstore. They dream of walking into Barnes and Noble and seeing their book on a display table at the front of the store. But frankly, bookstores are the worst places to sell a book—any book—and…
How to Organize Your Book
How to do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you write a book? One chapter at a time. Confession time. When I first started writing books I would just sit down and write. It’s a method that worked well for me in my early years as a newspaper reporter. The…
Increase Your Credibility: Why You Should Write a Book
If you’re in business you need a book. There are many great reasons to publish a book—to influence, to teach, maybe even to preach. But there are very specific reasons to write a business book. Twenty or thirty years ago educators and pundits declared the death of the written word. Television and movies had made…
10 Tips to Finish Your Book During Nanowrimo
Have you made your Nanowrimo resolutions yet? If you aren’t familiar with this peculiar acronym or its importance in the writing world, Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s kind of a combination of New Year’s and Lent: you make a resolution and see if you can stick with it for an entire…