Will You Finish Your Book in 2012?

Is writing and publishing a book on your list of New Year’s resolutions that you made this week? It was on mine. In fact, I’d planned to spend a good portion of the last two weeks working on my next book. I had thought I would be much farther along with it than I am now. But somehow, life just keeps getting in the way of the best of my intentions.

I don’t need to bore you with my excuses – even though there have been very good, legitimate reasons for my slow start on my next book. The point is, that everyone has times in life when, no matter how good the intentions, things just don’t go as planned.

I’ve noticed when we hit a bad patch, get distracted from our original schedule and delay our goals, it is very easy to use that as an excuse to never accomplish the goal at all.

“The universe is trying to tell me something.” “It just wasn’t meant to be.” These are just two of the catch phrases we use to let ourselves off the hook when completing a goal becomes difficult.

The best way to complete your book, or for that matter any other goal on your New Year’s Resolution list, is to set  up a regular schedule for working on it. Get out your calendar, look it over and pick two times during the week when you will work on your book. Two-hour or three-hour blocks of time usually work best. Don’t “pencil” them in. Write them down in pen! Makes those times sacred to writing and let only true emergencies stop you.

I guarantee that if you do this, by the end of the year you will have finished your book!


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