A Memoir in Poetry

Another first for Open Door Publications is Malene Tiombe’s Beyond These Glass Walls. A talented poet, Malene has combine the genres of memoir and poetry to create an unforgettable read. Click here to learn more about Beyond These Glass Walls.

Malene Tiombe grew up in Trenton, New Jersey.  The gun that was shot could have taken her out, had it been loaded. Leaving a scar of remembrance from the stitches she received, she was reminded that she was given a second chance.  Faced with family issues of drugs and abuse, the residue of past experiences and the challenge to find stability, Malene was determined to find her way.  Becoming a mother at 16 only added to the struggle; however through it all Malene managed to graduate from high school, acquire her degree in Business and obtain a career with a major financial firm.

Most people would find these accomplishments extraordinary, but Malene did not stop there. She began to write poetry “as both therapy and as an inspiration to others.” In her poem, “Creating Music,” Malene writes,

My voice is like a trumpet,

When it is played that is.

Problem is too long has it sat

In silence waiting for the breath

To be blown that would create

The wind that would give life to its music

Malene’s voice is silent no longer. Beyond These Glass Walls is a moving memoir, a testimony of faith, and a work of extraordinary poetry. Another great Christmas for anyone who enjoys good literature and hearing the voice of a new poet. We hope you will visit our bookstore to purchase this new book for yourself and for your loved ones.

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