10 Facts You Should Know About Book Publishing

Did You Know That
1. Most books do not succeed in the retail marketplaceODP door w books
2. Less than 1% of books sell more than 500 copies.
3. More books are published in a single year than will fit in 12 empty bookstores.
4. Competition for shelf space is fierce but achievable.
5. Small presses must EARN their way on to the shelf.
6. The publishing industry is returnable. Even if you ship several hundred copies of your book, you will only get paid for books that actually sell.
7. If you do not aggressively push and market your book, it will not sell.
8. It may take years of effort and marketing to achieve your goals.
9. Books from smaller houses have the benefit of time on their side.
10. E-books are the wave of the future. You should always do an e-book edition of your book.
The day you quit marketing your book is the day it stops selling!

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