No Power for Walt Snowman

Winter Writers Retreat Snowman logo
Walt the Snowman. mascot of the 2014 Winter Writers Weekend

Hi, it’s Walt again. How did you make out the storm yesterday? I lost power. I didn’t realize how important electricity is to writing my book until I was without it. My laptop battery is not very strong, so that made writing hard. Then I thought “I’ll just take some pictures!” Well, I couldn’t upload them to my computer because my laptop ran out of battery power. Finally I just decided to play in the snow and have fun with all the other snowmen in my area.

What did you do with the surprise day off? Did you have power all day? Did you work on your book? Are you all ready for the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend? No matter what stage you are with your book, you’ll gain lots of useful  new information at the workshop.

I’m almost done with my book!! This is so exciting!! I just met with Sherrie Wilkolaski at Author’s Boutique @abookexpert to learn how to turn my fabulous book about snow sculptures into an eBook. She is going to be one of the speakers at the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend February 28-March 2 in the Lambertville House in Lambertville, NJ.

Eric Maywar of Classics Used and Rare Books@ClassicsBooks @ClassicsBooks  in Trenton is going to be there, too. He just shared with me some secrets to how to get my book about snow sculptures in the best independent books stores, such as his. Soon I will see my book in the store, all thanks to the contacts I have been making!

Rhenda Fearrington @brhendastarr1 gave me some advice, too, about how to get my books into Barnes and Noble.


Did you know, I used to think once the book was published and in the book store my work was done and I could just sit back and collect my royalty checks? Then I met Eileen N. Sinett @Sinettspeaks of Speaking that Connects. She gave me great tips about public speaking so now when I visit the independent bookstores, such as Classic Book and Gifts, and the bigger stores, such as Barnes and Noble, I can better talk about snow sculptures, and my book, and encourage more people to buy it. I just love seeing my book in book stores.

Everyone I have met with this group has been so inviting and encouraging! Just hope they are not into group hugs because they might make me melt.

See you at the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend #NJWritersWknd

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