A Great Success! 2015 Winter Writers’ Weekend


Our Third Annual Winter Writers Weekend was a great success and everyone who attended learned a lot about writing, publishing and marketing their books. What’s even more exciting are the continuing friendships and email support by everyone who attended – both participants and speakers.

Here are a few of the key take-a-ways from  our speakers.

[metaslider id=4559]Make the most of LinkedIn: Susan Tabor-Kleiman explained that LinkedIn is an often overlooked tool for authors. She suggested that if someone asks to connect with you, ask them why.  This gives both of you an opportunity to communicate.

Eileen N. Sinett is always a popular speaker at the Winter Writers Weekend. This year she emphasized how to connect with your audience, through eye contact and other techniques, when giving a presentation about your book.

Another new and popular speaker this year was Mark Hurwich, who talked about curing writers’ block. “Your spirit and your writing process are interconnected. Think of your business as a separate entity and ask it what it wants to be and what it needs to survive and thrive,” explained Mark.

Jack Tatar discussed the many ways a book can lead to new business opportunities. “A book sale is just one way of earning money,” he explained. It also showcases your expertise and can lead to new clients and business.

Every author needs an elevator pitch. Hone it by developing it with a specific acquaintance or reader in mind, said Claire Wycoff. “How would your book serve him or her?”

Lisa Snyder, another returning speaker, talked about the growing need for a mobile-friendly website. As our phones get larger and our computers get smaller, the end result is that people are likely looking at your website on a screen that is only a few inches across. Make sure that your website translates to these smaller devices.

“An e-book is a great platform if you are a first-time book author, and short on cash. It takes little or no marketing money to get started,” Nicole Loughan explained in her workshop, “How Do You Sell 10Thousand Books in a Year.” She gave specific information on exactly how her mystery series, The All Saints Mysteries are fast becoming the proverbial “overnight success.”

Dan Smith explained how a strong pitch can open doors. “No matter which marketing tools you use – traditional or social media, you need to capture your audience’s attention with a strong pitch, one that entices readers to want to learn more.”

Dan was also gracious enough to give away a prize of a month’s publicity through his international public relations company, Smith Publicity. The winner was Chelsea Dixon, author of Bridging the Gap: A Simple Guide to College. Chelsea’s publicity package starts this week. Link to our twitter and facebook page to see the progress.

Laura Pedrick was on hand for the second year to offer our authors the opportunity to get a great headshot. She also reassured them that getting a photograph taken doesn’t have to be a painful process. The best photographs are the ones in which the subject looks natural, she explained. You don’t always have to smile to take a good photograph.

How do you balance marketing your book with protecting your copyright? Lori Patrick, an attorney who specializes in intellectual property and Noelle Stary, a marketing expert, discussed this delicate balancing act. Since to market your work you must put your material out where people can read it, it is essential to protect it by filing for a copyright.


A huge thank you to all our speakers and participants who made the weekend so great! We are already planning the next Winter Writers’ Weekend, for March 4-6, 2016 at the Lambertville House. Keep checking www.WinterWritersWeekend.com website for more information on next year’s event.

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