Walt: Cool things happening for Winter Writers’ Weekend

Winter Writers Retreat Snowman logo
Walt the Snowman. mascot of the 2014 Winter Writers Weekend

Hi, it’s Walt again. Karen saw how much fun I was blogging and asked me to write some more about the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend. You see, in addition to being a writer, I’m also the spokes-snowman for the event. Or maybe I’m just the mascot. In any case, I love writing about the weekend.

We’ll start on Friday night by meeting and greeting all of the experts. To make it really fun, we’ll meet at the Artists’ Gallery in Lambertville @artists_gallery. This will be the perfect time to chat and visit while we admire their cool artwork.

Saturday we’ll have seminars and workshops all day long at the Lambertville House @LambertvilleHou. Here we will hear from experts such as Karen Hodges Miller, Open Door Publications @Publisher_KHM; retail expert Rhenda Fearrington @brhendastarr1; New Shelves Book Distribution owner Amy Collins @NewShelvesBooks; Eric Maywer, owner of Classics Books and Gifts @ClassicsBooks; owner of Pedrick Photo, Laura Pedrick @PedrickPhoto; Lisa B. Snyder, owner of Silver Hoop Edge @zigorzag; Ed Alpern, owner of Alpern Communications and Public Relations @tvproducder01; and Sherri Wilkolaski, founder and president at Author’s Boutique @abookexpert. We’ll also be able to interact with published authors, such as Eileen Sinett, author of Speaking that Connects @SinettSpeaks, Jodi O’Donnell-Ames and Kevin Kita @DrKevinKita.

They’ll set us free for lunch where we can eat across at the street at the Full Moon Café or one of the other amazing restaurants in town.

We’ll meet again on Sunday for more workshops and discussions.

By the end of the weekend, you’ll have everything you need to finish your book and sell it, too. Then we can both sit back and collect our royalty checks. Ummm …I mean we can go out and sell more books while we write our next ones.

See you in Lambertville!

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