Are You Preparing Your Platform?
Most authors I know first write the book, then publish the book, and finally think about marketing the book. But book publicists know that this is exactly the opposite way to think about what your book can do for you. You should start developing your platform two to three years before your book is published.…
Make Yourself Heard
A frustrated aspiring author recently asked me, “How do I rise above the noise out there? Sure, I can get a book on Amazon, but how do I get people to notice it and buy it?” What a great question. Here is how I answered him. The first thing you need to do is throw…
Writing the book is easy – getting readers – a lot of readers – to read it; now that is the hard part.
That’s why Open Door Publications began the Winter Writers’ Weekend four year ago – to help people to learn how to write, publish and market their books. The first event, in 2013, featured six speakers and 15 participants in a one-day format. Since then, we’ve doubled our speakers, expanded to a three-day event, and have…
Happenings for Open Door Publications This Fall
The next six weeks are filled with special dates here at Open Door Publications. Here’s a quick guide to what’s happening. Princeton Local Author’s Day. This annual event highlights local authors in the region and ODP has been in attendance for six years now for this amazing gathering of writing talents. Come on out and…
Marketing Versus PR: Which Do You Need to Sell Your Book?
Marketing, Public Relations, Branding, Advertising: What’s the difference? And which one do you need to sell more copies of your book? There are so many terms out there that have to do with selling books that it can be very confusing. I recently had a discussion with an author on increasing her book sales, and…
An Author’s Guide to Twitter
Twitter is a great tool for authors. When this social media platform first arrived on the scene, I thought, “Fabulous! This is a great way for authors who don’t like to be social to communicate with their readers.” I decided that I should use Twitter regularly. I opened an account and started to Tweet. What…
New Publishing Imprints, New Books, New Services
There’s so much upcoming news at Open Door Publications that highlights are in order. Three Imprints* will be offered by Open Door Publications to give authors in nonfiction, adult fiction and children’s books the best branding possible for their books. Open Door Publications is our original parent site. It features non-fiction in three categories: Empowering…
Better than bucks, why reviews are money in the bank
By Nicole Loughan I’ve often hear authors say it’s demeaning to ask for reviews, it’s beneath them or just downright embarrassing. To the contrary, getting reviews are almost the single most important thing you can do for your books, they help give your work legitimacy, make you look popular, and more than anything they help…
What a Little Publicity Can Do for You
Radio appearances, blog post mentions, and a review by a prestigious publication are just some of the opportunities that author Chelsea Dixon, Bridging the Gap, a Simple Guide to College, received when she won a month-long publicity Smith Publicity campaign at our 2015 Winter Writers’ Weekend. Smith Publicity is a 20-year-old international public relations agency…
Book Con, We Did It!
BookCon, the largest book festival in the country, was held May 30 and 31 at the Javits Center in New York City and Open Door Publications was there! It was fun, it was exhausting, and it was a great experience. Authors Chelsea Dixon, “Bridging the Gap: A Simple Guide to College,” K.W. Penndorf, “Freya and…
What To Do Before You Publish Your E-book
A few years ago the question authors were asking was, “Are e-books here to stay?” Now we know the answer is yes. Not only are they here to stay, for many authors, by-passing a paper book and publishing an e-book first. Why? Not only are authors, particularly emerging authors, finding it a less expensive way…
A Great Success! 2015 Winter Writers’ Weekend
Our Third Annual Winter Writers Weekend was a great success and everyone who attended learned a lot about writing, publishing and marketing their books. What’s even more exciting are the continuing friendships and email support by everyone who attended – both participants and speakers. Here are a few of the key take-a-ways from our…
The Art of the Pre-Order
Nora Roberts, James Patterson and John Grisham do it – why can’t you? Setting up your book for pre-order, either on Amazon or on your own website, isn’t that difficult. And I know a lot of authors who do it. But then what happens? They forget to tell their friends and fans that the book…
Do I Need a New ISBN?
If I make a change to my book do I have to change the ISBN? This is a questions that, as a publisher, I hear every day – often asked by someone who wants to save a few dollars by not purchasing a new ISBN. First, a little background: ISBN stands for International Standard Book…
Shameless Self-Promotion – With a Heart
I have a friend who talks about “shameless self-promotion.” She thinks it’s a great thing, and something that most of us just don’t do enough. Most authors I know are afraid to promote their books. Why? I think it is because our books are very personal to us. They are our babies. And promoting our…