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  • Lessons Learned: Selling Your Book at a Conference

    One of our authors was recently asked to give a seminar at a national conference. It was the first time she had spoken at this type of event since publishing her book, and she was quite excited. Here  are some of the lessons she learned. As soon as you are booked as a speaker find…

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  • World Famous Author, Walter Snowman

    Hi, it is world-famous author Walter Snowman here. Okay, maybe I’m not world-famous, yet, but I’m working on it. I met with Ed Alpern again. He is working with me to create a book trailer using the video images he took before I even finished publishing my book. This is another great topic we will…

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  • Walt: Cool things happening for Winter Writers’ Weekend

    Hi, it’s Walt again. Karen saw how much fun I was blogging and asked me to write some more about the 2014 Winter Writers’ Weekend. You see, in addition to being a writer, I’m also the spokes-snowman for the event. Or maybe I’m just the mascot. In any case, I love writing about the weekend.…

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  • No Power for Walt Snowman

    Hi, it’s Walt again. How did you make out the storm yesterday? I lost power. I didn’t realize how important electricity is to writing my book until I was without it. My laptop battery is not very strong, so that made writing hard. Then I thought “I’ll just take some pictures!” Well, I couldn’t upload…

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  • Snow = more snow sculptures for Walt

    Hi, it’s Walt. I’m back. A quick post about my favorite subject: SNOW SCULPTURES!!! This weekend I saw some really cool Super Bowl-themed ice sculptures in Lehigh Valley, PA. Did you see even ESPN came to check them out? Told you snow sculptures were very, very cool! Yesterday’s surprise snowstorm gave me a chance to…

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  • Walt Snowman is excited about the SNOW!

    Hi! It is Walt again! Do you know why I am so excited??? It’s because it is SNOWING outside! This is the perfect weather for making snow sculptures — not too hot and not too cold with lots and lots and lots of SNOW!! How many snow sculptures have you made? The first ones I…

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  • He’s Back! Walt Snowman…

    Hi! It is Walt again. Karen Hodges Miller is letting me write some more on her blog. She said her friends enjoy reading about my adventures. Aw, shucks! Last weekend I went to the Winter Festival in Lambertville. Did you go there, too? If so, maybe we saw each other. I was the snowman walking…

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  • Introducing … Walt Snowman

    Walt Snowman is getting excited about our second annual Winter Writers’ Weekend to be held February 28-March 2 at the Lambertville House in Lambertville, NJ. I’m turning my blog over to him for the next few days. He gets very excited this time of year and has lots of energy. Hi, I’m Walt Snowman! I’m…

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  • Break the Bookstore Barrier!

    Want to know how to get your books into a bookstore? I mean a real brick and mortar store, of course. You need to talk to an expert and you can do just that the weekend of Feb. 28-March 2 at the Winter Writers’ Weekend in Lambertville, NJ. Amy Collins, founder of New Shelves book…

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  • 10 Facts You Should Know About Book Publishing

    Did You Know That 1. Most books do not succeed in the retail marketplace 2. Less than 1% of books sell more than 500 copies. 3. More books are published in a single year than will fit in 12 empty bookstores. 4. Competition for shelf space is fierce but achievable. 5. Small presses must EARN…

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  • November Writing Challenge Day 8: What is Creativity?

    Creativity – noun 1. the state or quality of being creative. 2. the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts. 3. the process by which…

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  • November Writing Challenge Day 7: If it’s Good Enough for Tony Robbins

    Give away your book. Yes, you heard me. Give it away. Free. Charge nothing for it. I know you have worked hard on it. It is your baby. Now I’m asking you to give it away. Why would you want to do that? To get it read. To increase your name recognition. To increase your…

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  • November Writing Challenge Day 6: Dealing With Criticism

    Criticism, or the fear of it, can lead to the problem we discussed yesterday: perfection paralysis. Yes, you want to make your work as perfect as possible. Yes, you should pay attention to detail. But often, there is a little, nagging voice in the back of your mind telling you that you just aren’t good…

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  • November Writing Challenge Day 5: Perfection Paralysis

    Do you find yourself writing, writing, writing; always adding another chapter, thinking of a new small piece of information that just must go into your book, changing a sentence only to change it back again … and again … and …? Well you get the picture. At some point it is time to say, “Enough,…

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  • November Writing Challenge Day 4: Don’t Get Hung Up on Word Count

    Why is it that so many writers I know today are hung up on word count? I think it is because it is so easy today to count words – the computer does it for you, and as you type each word you can watch the word count grow at the bottom of your screen.…

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